Savy homeowners turn down the heat on energy bills with these cost cutting hacks

Record temperatures and rising inflation have seen Aussie households start to sweat from their wallets as well as their brows this summer.

Paul Eyers
By Paul Eyers
4 Min Read

Record temperatures and continued inflation have seen Aussie households start to sweat from their wallets as well as their brows this summer.

Many cities around the country have broken temperature records over the last month as the nation endures the effects of an El Nino weather pattern, causing the mercury to rise across the country.

That coupled with the inflation levels remaining high, it’s no wonder homeowners are feeling the heat when it comes to their energy bills.

The conditions mean it now costs more to heat and cool a home than ever before, but thanks to some cost-cutting solutions, savvy everyday Aussies are slashing their power bills without breaking a sweat.

And with energy prices predicted to rocket another 56 per cent in 2024, these Build-it budget-saving tips could come in handy to keep those utility costs down.

Tip 1 – Say no to half loads

Most households are charged full of energy-draining mistakes that add to their power bills without them even knowing.

This includes blasting the air conditioning in unoccupied rooms, using half-empty washers, dryers and dishwashers, or simply leaving appliances plugged in when not in use or charging.

You can save a whole load on electricity wastage by mitigating usage on washers, dryers and dishwashers to ensure these white goods only go on when full.

Tip 2 – Use those those timers

Only turning on items when needed or automating others to come on a set period every week can also help avoid gifting your hard-earned cash to the energy companies.

You can do this by purchasing cheap timer adaptors or turning a timer feature on the appliance’s control centre if it has one.

Investing in smart home products could be the way to go for those who need to make quick and easy changes to their automation settings.

Smart home devices link up to your computer, tablet or smartphone, where they can all be adjusted, turned on, or off through settings within one app.

This allows you to control the micro elements of each smart compatible appliance while keeping track of your power bills with a finger tap.

Tip 3 – Don’t get conned by the air con

It’s no secret that air conditioning is one of the most power-consuming parts of any home.

So, considering alternatives to cool your home or keep temperatures low can help freeze power bills before they boil over.

These can include investments such as installing double-glazed windows, adding black-out blinds, and upgrading insulation.

But there are also some no-cost hacks, such as ventilating the home by opening up doors and windows at opposite ends to create wind tunnels in the morning and evening or simply turning on fans, which are usually very energy efficient.

Automating the air conditioning to only come on during the hottest part of the day or before sleeping is an excellent way to keep costs manageable.

Tip 4 – Time your peak energy usage

Find out if your energy supplier charges a different price at various points of the day, and ensure that must-use energy-consuming appliances only go on during that period.

This is equally as important if your house has solar panels, where shifting your peak energy usage during the middle of the day when your solar panel system produces its peak amount of electricity can prevent you from purchasing from the grid later.

So, whenever possible, schedule energy-intensive activities during the day, such as running larger appliances like washing machines and dishwashers or charging electric vehicles.

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Paul Eyers has worked as a journalist for a range of media publishers including News Corp and Network Ten. He has also worked outside of Australia, including time spent with ABS-CBN in the Philippines. Stepping away from the media, Paul spent five years sharpening his tools in construction - building his skill set and expertise within the trade industry. His diverse experiences and unique journey have equipped him with an insider view of Australia’s construction game to dig deep into the big stories.