Tag: housing crisis

Fancy a career change? Free apprenticeships to lure older students into trades

Free trade TAFE courses will now be offered to aspiring tradies of

By Paul Eyers 4 Min Read

Can I deduct renovation costs from my capital gains tax?

One of the biggest questions from new property investors is the implications

By Paul Eyers 6 Min Read

Plucking numbers from the air: Victoria’s big build for housing relies on impossible targets

The Victorian government this week gave the state’s local councils a gargantuan

By Build-it 8 Min Read

Council warns against buying up “non-compliant” tiny homes

Homeowners in parts of Queensland are being warned to think twice when

By Jarrod Brown 4 Min Read

Victoria is raising minimum rental standards – it’s good news for tenants and the environment

Following the lead of countries like New Zealand and the United Kingdom,

By Build-it 7 Min Read

How to buy a home: 7 tips for negotiating like a pro

How can people maximise their chances of successfully negotiating a purchase in

By Build-it 9 Min Read

This one change to new builds could spark thousands in savings for ratepayers

A new report has revealed that ratepayers could zap their home's power

By Paul Eyers 4 Min Read

Think short-stay rentals like Airbnb are out of control?

It appears higher rents and property prices in our big cities could

By Build-it 6 Min Read

The housing crisis hit Queensland hard. Jolted into action, the state has raised its game

Sky high property prices, rising mortgage payments and steep spikes in rent

By Build-it 8 Min Read

How slow adoption of new construction technologies is worsening Australia’s housing crisis

Experts say historical reluctance to adopt new building technologies could further slow

By Paul Eyers 6 Min Read