Tag: Rental Crisis

Fancy a career change? Free apprenticeships to lure older students into trades

Free trade TAFE courses will now be offered to aspiring tradies of

By Paul Eyers 4 Min Read

Victoria is raising minimum rental standards – it’s good news for tenants and the environment

Following the lead of countries like New Zealand and the United Kingdom,

By Build-it 7 Min Read

This one change to new builds could spark thousands in savings for ratepayers

A new report has revealed that ratepayers could zap their home's power

By Paul Eyers 4 Min Read

Think short-stay rentals like Airbnb are out of control?

It appears higher rents and property prices in our big cities could

By Build-it 6 Min Read

Reaction: Budget’s social housing boost falls short in eyes of experts

The Federal Government’s budget funding to rebuild Australia’s declining social housing sector

By Paul Eyers 9 Min Read

Build-it’s budget breakdown for tradies and construction workers

With the government handing down its 2024/2025 federal budget last night, plenty

By Paul Eyers 7 Min Read

Vacant property owners to cash in on $5000 reward by renting out empty homes

The Vacant Property Rental Incentive Scheme will allow empty homeowners to cash

By Paul Eyers 6 Min Read

Government urged to double social housing funding to help struggling Aussies find a home

A coalition of housing, property and social service organisations have joined forces

By Paul Eyers 6 Min Read

Our housing system is broken and the poorest Australians are being hardest hit

Just when we think the price of rentals could not worse, new

By Build-it 6 Min Read

Are Australia’s carbon goals and building targets incompatible?

With the task of building $1.2 million homes over the next five

By Paul Eyers 8 Min Read