Essential steps to fencing a worksite to keep out costly construction troubles

Paul Eyers
By Paul Eyers
4 Min Read

Construction sites across Australia are taking their worksite security to new heights thanks to the latest in fencing technology.

More than just a robust barrier against unauthorised public access, high-quality fencing can provide comprehensive protection against many other external factors, including weather, space impaction, and environmental impacts.

And advancements in how Australian fencing is designed and constructed is now making job site protection even more secure.

The improvements are helping construction companies avoid costly issues occurring as a result of insufficient site fencing, which can severely hinder a project’s completion time.

But, technological improvements by specialist fencing providers are ensuring common risk factors are easily avoided.

So whether it’s building your own home or managing a colossal construction site, Build-it has reviewed some of the latest construction fencing tech to keep every job site secure.

Weather resistance

The latest generation of fencing technology includes standout weather shielding features which can protect your project from significant structural damage.

Forward-thinking fencing providers offer wind-resistant panelling, which can defend job sites from winds up to 165 km/h – a 254 per cent improvement compared to standard fencing.

Fence panels can also be designed for the harsh Australian environment, offering UV stabilisation that can shield the fence and sections of the worksite from damage to their components.

Space efficient

Ensuring site fencing is compact can help reduce the worksite footprint and prevent the project from impacting surrounding properties, spaces or flora.

Slimmer and more streamlined designs have allowed fence panelling and its base structures to take up less space than ever before.

This is particularly handy in confined urban areas where fencing could impede outside pedestrian access or damage other property, creating further health and safety issues which could have legal and financial consequences.

Environmental protection

Another advancement in fencing technology is the introduction of enclosed base systems that improve security and prevents the passage of rubbish, flora, and fauna onto the work zone, ensuring a cleaner and safer environment around the construction site.

This can prevent avoidable damage to delicate project areas and help cut down on-site maintenance and cleaning times during and after construction.

Quicker installation

Modern fencing is designed for reduced installation and demobilisation times, which can take days off project times, further reducing overall costs.

Using easy-to-assemble and mobile fencing can help reduce installation and set-up times by 70 per cent.
It also means adjustments can be made to the site perimeter in a short period of time to adjust for any unexpected changes or challenges on-site.

More secure

The most obvious consideration for correctly fencing construction zones is preventing public access to ensure pedestrian safety and ward off any criminal activity.

Leading fencing providers are using improved materials and designs to make job-sites more secure than ever before.

A secure perimeter also protects access from those seeking to commit criminal activity such as vandalism and theft, which can significantly impact final construction costs.

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Paul Eyers has worked as a journalist for a range of media publishers including News Corp and Network Ten. He has also worked outside of Australia, including time spent with ABS-CBN in the Philippines. Stepping away from the media, Paul spent five years sharpening his tools in construction - building his skill set and expertise within the trade industry. His diverse experiences and unique journey have equipped him with an insider view of Australia’s construction game to dig deep into the big stories.